Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturn; Of the Earth, is Spiritual

Saturn reflects the experience of the physical world. The physical world IS the manifestation of the "All That Is" (God or whatever you wish to term it) as polarity pairs and functions as the polarization of the unbroken wholeness of "All That Is."We chose to experience that idea by being born. So although the unbroken wholeness (Neptune=spirit) is the "real" or primary reality base and physicality an illusion (Saturn=physicality)-either is real while you are in it, and valid, none-the-less.

Fear, the effect of negative ego, strangles our recognition of choice in the creation of reality (Uranus). This is why in mythology Saturn castrates (renders impotent) Uranus. This power then rises up again in reflection Venus).

By the same token physicality is real while you are in it, but an illusion none-the-less. As long as we ARE physical we ARE by definition going to experience THIS reality in polarized terms. The entire template of the Natural Zodiac is an effect of that "splaying" of mind into matter-like the refracted light of white light through a prism. This is neither "good or bad"-it is simply one of the ways (in terms of worlds) that we as co-creators along with "All That Is" creates in the exploration of itself. For this reason the negative/positive definitions will apply as long as you are physical. When you die and re-merge with the unbroken wholeness-of course they won't any longer.

Positive is simply integrative, unifying, expansive, inclusive-integral.

Negative is separative, segregative, limited, conflicted functions in parts.

Positive and Negative Energy
<-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >
In mathematics the number line represents the concept of the infinite negative numbers left of the centerline 0, and the infinite positive numbers to the right of centerline 0.  And this energy can be felt emotionally as anxiety (negative) or excitement and inspiration (positive) it is simply a matter of attitude and approach.
When applied as anxiety to any planet, or house or aspect, or aspect of life-that effect is extracted. Vice versa for positive-it is not a "deficient attitude" to cognize and apply these functions in physicality, it is an asset to recognize them while you are physical. Heaven and hell are states of being, and you can be in a positive (heaven) or negative (hell) one anywhere-anytime. It is approach that determines this. But to say one is not subject to them is to say one is not physical and did not choose to be so. Which if you are living, breathing and writing responses is not possible.

Responsibility is the ability to respond to the environment (it's reality creation). To not respond to our physical reality with the recognition that it is us, and that we have created it, is to exercise the judgment of it and need to escape it (Neptunian).To believe that the reflection of physicality is the source of reality is to deny the validity of the unbroken wholeness of "All That Is," invalidate spiritual reality, and judge IT and seek to escape THAT reality by denial of the source and is an illusion as well (Saturnine).

Saturn represents the illusion of the material world within a spiritual manifestation, and Neptune reflects the illusion of spirit within the material world. Where Saturn is found, the material world deceives, and where Neptune is found spirit is sacrificed as an illusion, unobtainable. They are both real, and both illusions. Whether you extract a positive or negative effect from either depends upon the energy they are approached with-period. It has nothing to do with duality (the illusion of unbroken wholeness manifesting as polarity pairs-another "spiritual experience") or non-duality, and has to do with the approach to either of these spiritual experiences.

Time and space are illusions (Saturn), real while you experience them, but illusions none the less. Realism and idealism are not diametrically opposed; a realistic manifestation of the ideal is the issue. By giving our power away to physicality we sacrifice a part of our spirit to the material world (Saturn), this is where we over-strategize and overindulge without regard for spirit. By giving our power away to the ideal (Neptune) we lose sight of practical requirements necessary to functioning in physical reality to manifest the "All That Is".

Both planets reflect the illusion of dis-empowerment, or empowerment, which is not the effect of either planet or world but instead the approach to either.

To be balanced in our approach and view is to be positive in and of itself.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." Albert Einstein

Relevant Articles:
Saturn Opposition Saturn--The Saturn/Neptune Paradox

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Asteroids and The Modern Astrologers

When I began studying astrology 40 years ago, I remember working very hard to learn to associate the rulers of signs (planets and luminaries)
with their proper zodiacal sign and house. This became a critical element in astrological delineation and the steps which were soon to become my sequence of delineation.
As astrology evolved over the years and computer programs became available for calculation it became easier and easier to construct the chart (which we used to do by hand without a calculator) and less time was consumed on that aspect of astrology. That aspect of astrology is very important. Today's astrologers not having to do laborious calculations depreciates the ability to absorb the chart and it's energies as we move through the various positioning of planets etc.. Even the drawing of astrological symbols and planets into the house positions adds to ones appreciation and understanding of the chart at hand.

Today, we see fractions of a seconds of shots for commercials, movie sets, and also in the time it takes to calculate the chart and find delineations, or references to what we produce or want to know.

Astrology is an art/science. Like a painter we build upon a background or base and bring forth our painting into the foreground methodically, patiently, carefully. The art aspect is in part, the actual drawing of the horoscope and its elements. When we blend the significators and aspects to form a concept of the consciousness under evaluation, the disposition of planets slowly and methodically enhances our evolving understanding of the chart at hand. When we understand the law of momentum flow of the chart in question, we can then add the asteroids we see may be significant that support the delineation to be had through proper analysis.

If we were cooking a meal and sprinkled oregano in a pan and said "this _______ will be great, because oregano is in the pan" before we even  knew what the meal was going to be or consist of, we would be seen as not only nuts, but an incompetent cook at best seriously placing the cart before the horse to put it mildly.  
But evidently astrologers who read a few books  and blogs on asteroids and astrology don't believe such things, because they think the oregano (asteroid) itself tells them what the issues are in the chart just by its position alone! Trust a 40 years of experience astrologer who has delineated thousands and thousands of charts. It can't be done. Post-dicting that something occurred because such and such an asteroid was rising or conjunct something at the time only confirms those with critical thinking or scientific minds that astrology is bunk.

"On the first day of January 1801, Giuseppe Piazzi discovered an object which he first thought was a new comet. But after its orbit was better determined it was clear that it was not a comet but more like a small planet. Piazzi named it Ceres, after the Sicilian goddess of grain. Three other small bodies were discovered in the next few years (Pallas, Vesta, and Juno). By the end of the 19th century there were several hundred.

Several hundred thousand asteroids have been discovered and given provisional designations so far. Thousands more are discovered each year. There are undoubtedly hundreds of thousands more that are too small to be seen from the Earth. There are 26 known asteroids larger than 200 km in diameter. Our census of the largest ones is now fairly complete: we probably know 99% of the asteroids larger than 100 km in diameter. Of those in the 10 to 100 km range we have cataloged about half. But we know very few of the smaller ones; there are probably considerably more than a million asteroids in the 1 km range.
The total mass of all the asteroids is less than that of the Moon. "
Modern astrology, although reformatted with modern psychological principles, is basically a refined reproduction of ancient astrological practice developed over 7000 years of observation and application. There is nothing and no reformatting of serious sequential astrological delineation procedure that will ever be replaced with a concocted "archetype" of a small and insignificant piece of oregano disguised as an experienced chef's meal really only meant to add spice, nuance, and hints of flavor to a main course properly prepared.

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