Friday, September 13, 2013

Mars Conjoins Saturn


Every two years or so Mars and Saturn complete a developmental cycle. Mars which is the natural ruler of Aries reflects the idea of self identification of definition from belief. It reflects how we define ourselves and our "persona" (mask or false face) as we assert that idea spontaneously and with desire that which we have chosen to be in this life.

This next conjunction will be August 25, 2014 @ 17Scorpio40.

USE DUE CAUTION DURING THIS TIME FRAME. Poor judgment rules, accidents and conflict are possible, security and status disrupted. Failed security measures bring possible tragedy.

These warnings are doubled if this aspect network falls on any critical aspect network in your own natal chart (especially developmental or "hard" aspect networks).

Saturn is the archetypal symbol of the limits of physicality. It rules Capricorn, the physical manifestation of belief on "Earth" in the physical world. The structured and fear oriented belief that our reality is outside of us and "impinges" or bombards us from outside.

The last was August 15, 2012 @ 24Libra49. If you review these points in your own chart-both solar and natal, you will find that this is where your primary focus of self application has been (and will be) during that 2 year or so time frame.

When they are in opening or closing square to each other, these two planets will be challenging the individual's beliefs in the validity of the self and activate the conjunction. There may be overwhelming obstacles (if the person is of a negative view-please review my posts on positive/negative energy) or will experience temporary setbacks or challenges to "step up" application of self to overcome the apparent "blocks" in the physical world.

When in opposition it will seem as if strategy (Saturn) and a methodological application of the self ITSELF may be dangerous to the furtherance of the self and its goals at that time. Then the effect will be a conflict between aggressive assertion (Aries/Mars) and not enough assertion or that caution may be the best move. Either way there will be presented the opportunity for the ego gain a higher sense of trust and to learn greater implementation of strategy as the reflection of trust and conviction with the self's preferences.

The ability to trust during times of difficult endeavor reveal the person's overall "threshold of believability" that reflects by the willingness to continue and to follow through, exactly the STRENGTH of trust the person has in the endeavor and application it seeks to manifest. If the identity believes itself the "true" path it desires to be, then continued effort in the direction of preference will allow it to learn what it needs to learn strategically to MANIFEST that preference (high threshold of believability). If the "external" appears too threatening and obstacle ridden there may be an accumulation of self doubt and persecution complexes that diminish the trust of the self that it is the path it prefers to be--or that that path is realistically obtainable (low threshold of believability).

So it is fear that dominates when in this focused application of the self we believe is "all" we are, goes unchecked without the positive recognition of the unlimited spirit that the self truly is. Life can seem threatening, overwhelming and not reinforcing to--or nurturing and supportive of--us and our preferences to be what we wish, effortlessly.

However, when the element of recognition that we create our reality as the product of our belief and definitions is injected into the equation, we allow ourselves to real-ize that the self we are or believe ourselves to be in physicality is not "really" all we are. We are not on a path we are a path (Bashar). The "All That Is" created the idea that we are for a reason and no creator would be so cruel as to create a creation and then not allow or intend that that creation be able to fulfill the idea that it intended itself to be.

Sometimes the only "strategy" we are allowed to create is the recognition above and that everything must be unfolding as it needs to, to lead us to that fulfilled expression. When this occurs, acknowledging that everything is happening as it needs to to get us to where we need to be to express that preference must be trusted. Everything fits, nothing is out of line. The convicted action of that recognition is the continued application of the self and trust that whatever needs to be there to "educate" the physical self for the preference and task it has chosen--will be there regardless of the strategic and limited ego's "need to know every little detail" to make SURE it will. Mistakes are incorporated and learned, and judgments of the self for being “wrong” are minimalized, as they serve no real useful purpose. Doubt is the true opposite of love- self love included.

As always, thank you for allowing me to share these ideas. If they serve you use them, if they do not ignore them. They are simply suggestions and offerings and no one is asked to believe they are the only or "true" answers simply because I have asserted them.


Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
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