Monday, December 27, 2010

Closed and Open Minds (Reprint)

"There is no bar to knowledge greater than contempt prior to examination." Herbert Spencer

There is no doubt about the popularity of astrology. According to various opinion polls roughly a third of the population of Western countries believes in it and another third is interested enough to read astrological predictions, at least occasionally. The last third remains unconcerned or skeptical. As the New York Times said (13 August 1977): `In the cyclical way of the world, we have been passing through a period of resurgent mysticism. Educated people ask each other what signs they were born under; witchcraft is discussed seriously on college campuses, occult bookshops flourish, and cults of all kinds contend with pornography for the side-walks of our cities.'

In reaction to this surge of credulity, other people hurry in to denounce everything to do with astrology as an absurd fraud, and among these opponents a number of scientists have been prominent. The American Humanist (a magazine devoted to discussions of social problems and irrationality), in its September 1975 issue, carried the following statement, entitled `Objections to Astrology'. It was endorsed by 186 leading scientists, including 18 Nobel Prizewinners.

Scientists in a variety of fields have become concerned about the increased acceptance of astrology in many parts of the world. We, the undersigned - astronomers, astrophysicists, and scientists in other fields - wish to caution the public against the unquestioning acceptance of the predictions and advice given privately and publicly by astrologers. Those who wish to believe in astrology should realize that there is no scientific foundation for its tenets.

In ancient times people believed in the predictions and advice of astrologers because astrology was part and parcel of their magical world view. They looked upon celestial objects as abodes or omens of the Gods and, thus, intimately connected with events here on earth; they had no concept of the vast distances from the earth to the planets and stars. Now that these distances can and have been calculated, we can see how infinitesimally small are the gravitational and other effects produced by the distant planets and the far more distant stars.

It is simply a mistake to imagine that the forces exerted by stars and planets at the moment of birth can in any way shape our futures. Neither is it true that the positions of distant heavenly bodies make certain days or periods more favorable to particular kinds of action, or that the sign under which one was born determines one’s compatibility or incompatibility with other people.

Why do we believe in astrology? In these uncertain times many long for the comfort of having guidance in making decisions. They would like to believe in a destiny predetermined by astral forces beyond their control. However, we must all face the world, and we must realize that our futures lie in ourselves, and not in the stars. One would imagine, in this day of widespread enlightenment and education, that it would be unnecessary to debunk beliefs based on magic and superstition. Yet, acceptance of astrology pervades modern society. We are especially disturbed by the continued uncritical dissemination of astrological charts, forecasts, and horoscopes by the media and by otherwise reputable newspapers, magazines, and book publishers. This can only contribute to the growth of irrationalism and obscurantism. We believe that the time has come to challenge directly, and forcefully, the pretentious claims of astrological charlatans. It should be apparent that those individuals who continue to have faith in astrology do so in spite of the fact that there is no verified scientific basis for their beliefs, and indeed that there is strong evidence to the contrary.

In the editorial it was explained that both the American Ethical Union and the American Humanist Association - the co-publishers of The Humanist - had long been opposed to cults of unreason and irrationalism (under which they also classify religion, of course). The editor went on to ask: `What better way to demonstrate this in this anniversary issue than by a major critique of astrology?' Professor Bart J. Bok, a former president of the American Astronomical Society, was invited to draft a brief statement listing some scientific objections to astrology. This was subsequently revised and expanded to the statement quoted above, and then sent to a selected list of distinguished members of the American Astronomical Society and the National Academy of Sciences for endorsement.

The signed statement was subsequently sent to thousands of newspaper editors in the United States and abroad, with the suggestion that they print it, especially if they carried a daily or weekly horoscope column. The intention, of course, was to counter the ever-increasing trend for astrology to be foisted on an unsuspecting public which is rarely exposed to scientific criticisms of it. This was an honorable intention, but as we shall show it is questionable whether the statement is true. It is also unscientific in its approach. This point was well made by Carl Sagan, a scientist who declined to sign, in the following letter to The Humanist:

I find myself unable to endorse the `Objections to Astrology' statement (September/October, 1975) - not because I feel that astrology has any validity whatever, but because I felt and still feel that the tone of the statement is authoritarian. The fundamental point is not that the origins of astrology are shrouded in superstition. This is true as well for chemistry, medicine, and astronomy, to mention only three. To discuss the psychological motivations of those who believe in astrology seems to be quite peripheral to the issue of its validity. That we can think of no mechanism for astrology is relevant but unconvincing. No mechanism was known, for example, for continental drift when it was proposed by Wegener. Nevertheless, we see that Wegener was right, and those who objected on the grounds of unavailable mechanism were wrong.

Statements contradicting borderline, folk, or pseudoscience that appear to have an authoritarian tone can do more damage than good. They never convince those who are flirting with pseudoscience but merely seem to confirm their impression that scientists are rigid and closed-minded. . . .What I would have signed is a statement describing and refuting the principal tenets of astrological belief. My belief is that such a statement would have been far more persuasive and would have produced vastly less controversy than the one that was actually circulated.

Authority or evidence?

The scientists who signed the Humanist statement agreed that astrology was folklore and superstition and that there was no scientific basis for it. Unfortunately, they do not seem to have investigated any evidence that would have supported or disproved their claim, and so their response seems to have been largely emotional. Rather than appealing to their authority, it would have been better if they had simply presented evidence. This point was well made by Einstein in response to criticisms of his work. In 1920, a racist German group tried to refute the theory of relativity by holding an emotional meeting in the Berlin Philharmonic Hall, and then by persuading a hundred professors to condemn Einstein's theory in a book. Einstein commented: Were I wrong, one professor would have been quite enough.' In addition to the `appeal to authority', other weaknesses occur in the statement. Feyerabend (1978) points out that the 186 scientists made the mistake of criticizing the basic assumptions of astrology rather than the way in which it is practiced. He observed that `it is interesting to see how closely both parties approach each other in ignorance, conceit and the wish for easy power over minds.' He also notes that, following the statement, many of the scientists declined interviews because they had not studied astrology. It appears they had signed merely on the basis of a `religiously' felt conviction.

Feyerabend claims that this conviction led the astronomers to overlook even evidence they were familiar with. For example, in an article accompanying the statement, Bok (1975) had stated that because of their distance from us, the planets could not influence human affairs; he similarly assumed that the walls of the delivery room would shield the newborn child from radiation emitted by the planets. He made these statements even though, as an astronomer, he should have known that the planets might influence solar activity which in, turn has various effects on us; it is also known that certain types of radiation can penetrate very thick walls to which a delivery room would not be an exception.

The scientists' statement prompted a contrary statement published in I976 by the astrological journal Aquarian Agent. This statement claimed that astrology is at least a valid area of research, and that it is important to distinguish `sun sign frauds' from genuine astrologers, who take far more factors into account than the sign of the zodiac under which one is born.

Signatures for this statement were obtained from 187 (!) people with academic degrees. This, while also appealing to authority, does seem to take a less prejudiced view. Of course, simply to state that you are in favour of further research is to say little more than being against sin and for motherhood, but even this is an advance on the simple, prejudiced refusal to examine the evidence.

It is of course possible that there is no truth in any part of astrology. The point is that the 186 scientists have not demonstrated this. To do so would involve systematically examining all the available evidence in favour of astrology and then showing how it is invalid.

The attitude of more moderate scientists is illustrated by J. Allen Hynek, Chairman of the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern University. As a member of another of Professor Bok's committees, the Harvard Committee on Astrology, he cast twenty thousand horoscopes from entries in the American Men of Science directory and found no association with sun signs or with aspects of the planet Mercury, which is claimed to be the `planet of the mind'. The director of the observatory where he did this work refused permission to publish even this negative result lest it be thought that his staff spent any time on matters of this sort! Similarly, Hynek wrote in his foreword to a book of Gauquelin's published in 1978:

`It is with considerable hesitancy ... that I write this foreword, because for an astronomer to have anything to do with anything remotely related to astrology seems enough to rule him out of the scientific fraternity.'

It is against this background of undisguised hostility, rather than of receptiveness to new ideas and experiments, that open-minded scientists have had to fight in their attempts to establish whether or not there is any truth in astrology. They have even had to defend their right to do research in this field. As a result, established scientists have often found it best to say nothing, rather than incur derision; only a few have had the courage to admit that `there might be something in it'.

H.J. Eysenck and D. K. B. Nias, "Astrology, Science or Superstition?” 1988, Penguin Books

"Let the mind be enlarged, according to its capacity, to the grandeur of the mysteries, and not the mysteries contracted to the narrowness of the mind.” -SIR FRANCIS BACON

Related article: Experimental Guidelines for Testing Astrology.
Edmond Wollmann P.M.A.F.A. 12/27/2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Jupiter Opposes Saturn

Jupiter rules all things expansive, positive, largess. Saturn rules all things negative, restricted, controlled, and focused.

Oppositions reflect different ends of a spectrum in conflict, awareness, polarized. When a sign is splayed into its component parts it appears as two distinct ideas each demanding attention. In the psyche of an individual these polarities, or signs, become an issue that needs to be re-integrated as one concept, as one idea. The archetype requires resolution in the Mode in which it manifests.

Jupiter and Saturn in opposition (180 degrees of separation) reflect the concepts outlined above (Expansion and Contraction, or broad view and narrow view) in awareness conflict and tension requiring some sort of resolution. Obstacles stand in the way of expansion and ease. There is a conflict between beliefs in worth, and beliefs in fear, between optimism and pessimism. This is what will be felt if this resolution is not developed in the identity in question. In Mundane matters, this opposition is the “Full Moon” so to speak of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction which occurred in 2000 in Taurus (money and material). There are 3 manifestations typically of most major aspect developments; this current opposition is listed below:

P1 (H) Asp P2 (H) EXL Type Date Time Zone Age Pos1 Pos2
Jup (1) Opp Sat (7) (X) Tr-Tr May 23 2010 01:36:26 am EDT -0.218 27°Pi52' D 27°Vi52' R
Jup (1) Opp Sat (7) (X) Tr-Tr Aug 16 2010 04:44:43 pm EDT 0.016 02°Ar26' R 02°Li26' D

Jup (1) Opp Sat (7) (X) Tr-Tr Mar 28 2011 05:54:53 pm EDT 0.629 14°Ar21' D 14°Li21' R

Now, because the conjunction of 2000 was in square to Uranus in Aquarius, I predicted that there would be social and economic de-structurizing world-wide. As we have seen, when the first Saturn Uranus oppositions came into force and Pluto entered Capricorn (business and monetary strategy) the destruction began in earnest and real estate bubbles collapsed the economy, which has de-structurized societal networks. Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn also heralded the beginning effects of global ecological destruction as well. Insecurity is an effect of Jupiter/Saturn oppositions, and hence many have had difficulty believing in their own prosperity during the last 3 years, and the ecological destruction has added to the deficit of reinforcement or Jupiterian expanse.

On August 16th the second of 3 oppositions between these two giants occurs, and this particular opposition is the closest to the Cardinal T-Square we are going to get indicating the potential to be the most conflictive in the manner outlined above. There is no “Cardinal Cross” that modern astrologers have touted, only when faster planets move into the T-square which then triggers primarily the T-square. This particular opposition will see the greatest tension with Pluto, and therefore the greatest potential of destruction in both ecologic and economic terms. In the personal chart, much depends on how evolved the identity is with these archetypes in their own consciousness as to what sorts of ease or difficulty is experienced—along with the aspects in the natal which reinforce or deny its power.

If you have planets at 28 Mutable to 5 Cardinal this opposition will trigger them. Remember that Saturn is the “cure” for excessive Jupiter, and Jupiter the cure for excessive Saturnian fear and restriction. This aspect is asking you to MOVE out of your rut and into new and more energized action that finds a midpoint of reasonable use of resources. It is only because of extravagance or waste that difficulty with this aspect will illuminate. If you are conscious of “waste not want not” and are a person (or society) that does not need too much to be better in any way, (I.e., thought, action, money, food etc.) and are secure with sufficient, then you have little to fear from this aspect.

"Be on the razor's edge, where all other than true modes of support fall away. All that remains is all that you and the universe have determined is necessary." Bashar "The Razor's Edge"

Related Articles: Jupiter/Saturn and Y2K, Pyramids, DNA, and The Elements, Pluto Returns to Capricorn, Edmond Wollmann's World Projections, What is better, Positive or Negative energy?

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
© 2010 Altair Publications, SAN 299-5603 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mars Conjoins Saturn

Every two years or so Mars and Saturn complete a developmental cycle. Mars, which is the natural ruler of Aries, represents the archetype of self identification and self definition from beliefs (conscious and unconscious). Mars reflects how we define ourselves and our "persona" (mask or false face) as we assert spontaneously and with desire that which we have chosen to be in this life.
The next conjunction will be July 31, 2010 @ 0Libra49 (Sabian Symbol: A Butterfly made perfect by a dart through it). This next conjunction will be especially powerful for the US as it occurs opposing Uranus at 0 Aries, making a Grand Cross with the US Venus and Jupiter, Transit Pluto, Jupiter and the Moon.

A WARNING: USE DUE CAUTION DURING THIS TIME FRAME. Poor judgment rules, accidents and conflict are possible, security and status disrupted. Failed security measures bring possible tragedy. Business and economic security may be disrupted. The continued de-structurizing of business and commerce is assured.
These warnings are doubled if this aspect network falls on any critical aspect network in your own natal chart (especially developmental or "hard" aspect networks, or if Mars is prominent).
Saturn is the archetypal symbol of the limits of physicality. It rules Capricorn, the physical manifestation of belief on "Earth" in the physical world: The structured and fear oriented belief that our reality is outside of us and "impinges" or bombards us from outside.

When these two planets conjoin there is an extreme focus on the application of the ego self (Mars) in physical reality (Saturn). The sign and house in which this occurs reflects what sorts of "issues" in physicality the persona will attempt to "impinge" itself upon and apply itself to in a very focused and strategic way. It also reflects where there may be a "surfacing" of the fears about physicality and how they affect the individual. There may also be the experiencing of the beliefs and fears of being "thwarted" in that area of life, and hence, application then becomes focused and measured. Men, males, aggression and relationships will be in high focus.

The last conjunction was at 5 Virgo 26 (July 10, 2008). If you review these points in your own chart-both solar and natal, you will find that this is where your primary focus of self application has been during that 2 year or so time frame. If you are better off in this area, then you have learned the strategic application and application of yourself in that area to your benefit.
When Mars and Saturn are in opening or closing square to each other, these two planets will be challenging the individual's beliefs in the validity of the self and its ability to act. There may be overwhelming obstacles (if the person is of a negative view, please review my articles on positive/negative energy) or will experience temporary setbacks or challenges to "step up" application of self to overcome the apparent "blocks" or challenges in the physical world.

When Mars and Saturn are in opposition it will seem as if strategy (Saturn) and a methodological application of the self itself may be dangerous to the furtherance of the self and its goals at that time, or that the persona is the limiting factor. Then the effect will be a conflict between aggressive assertion (Aries/Mars) and not enough assertion or that caution may be the best move. Either way there will be opportunity presented for the ego gain a higher sense of trust and to learn greater implementation of strategy as the reflection of trust and conviction with the self's preferences.

The ability to trust during times of difficult endeavor reveal the person's overall "threshold of believability" that reflects by the willingness to continue and to follow through, exactly the strength of trust the person has in the endeavor and application it seeks to manifest. If the identity believes itself the "true" path it desires to be, then continued effort in the direction of preference will allow it to learn what it needs to learn strategically to manifest that preference (high threshold of believability). If the "external" appears too threatening and obstacle ridden there may be an accumulation of self doubt and persecution complexes that diminish the trust of the self that it is the path it prefers to be--or that that path is realistically obtainable (low threshold of believability).

So it is fear that dominates when in this focused application of the self we believe is "all" we are, goes unchecked without the positive recognition of the unlimited spirit that the self truly is (Jupiter/Neptune). Life can seem threatening, overwhelming and not reinforcing to--or nurturing and supportive of--us and our preferences to be what we wish, effortlessly. If during the last conjunction until now much has been accomplished with regard to its position at conjunction, be assured that you have integrated and fulfilled the developmental process associated with this cycle.

However, when the element of recognition that we create our reality as the product of our belief and definitions is injected into the equation, we allow ourselves to real-ize that the self we are or believe ourselves to be in physicality is not "really" all we are. We are not on a path we are a path (Bashar). The "All That Is" created the idea that we are for a reason and no creator would be so cruel as to create a creation and then not allow or intend that that creation be able to fulfill the idea that it intended itself to be to the fullest.

Sometimes the only "strategy" we are allowed to create is that recognition and that everything must be unfolding as it needs to, to lead us to that fulfilled expression. When this occurs, acknowledging that everything is happening as it needs to to get us to where we need to be to express that preference must be trusted. Everything fits, nothing is out of line. The conviction action of that recognition is the continued application of the self and trust that whatever needs to be there to "educate" the physical self for the preference and task it has chosen--will be there--regardless of the strategic and limited ego's "need to know every little detail" to make sure it will or have to know how it will. Mistakes are incorporated and learned, and judgments of the self for being “wrong” are minimalized, as they serve no real useful purpose.

Doubt is the true opposite of love - self love (doubt) included.

As always, thank you for allowing me to share these ideas. If they serve you use them, if they do not, ignore them. They are simply suggestions and offerings and no one is asked to believe they are the only or "true" answers simply because I have asserted them.

Edmond H. Wollmann

Related Articles: Mars and The State of The Ego, Saturn Opposition Saturn, Vibration and Hallway A, Bashar
Copyright © 2010 Altair Publications


Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Coming Collective Identity Crisis: Action as the Conviction of Belief and the Cardinal Points.

We are entering an extremely active period astrologically. In 2007 I was able to deduce that we would be entering into severe economic and ecological challenges because of the entrance of the planet (I still consider it a planet for astrological reasons) Pluto into the Cardinal sign of Capricorn, which is reflective of all forms of administration of pragmatic issues, business and government activity, and actual physical meteorological and geological activities.

In general in personal astrology:

The Cardinal signs and angular houses represent the aspects and beliefs about the individual's identity/status issues how one defines the self. Motivation, action, and initiative signify the emphasis in these quadruplicities and houses.

In Aries-the motivation is to become (Fire).

In Cancer-the motivation is to nurture (Water).

In Libra-the motivation is to relate (Air).

In Capricorn-the motivation is to administer the self in physicality (Earth).

These are the primary functions of identity experiencing itself in materiality. All other descriptions arise from these basic functions. When we do Elemental/Modal counts in astrological configurations by assigning points to the planets or points holding this mode we find;

Excess count- Ego focus. An exaggerated emphasis on leadership to defend against the fear of identity invalidity. Motivation, activity and action are employed to resolve developmental issues.

When they are Balanced- Belief conviction. Application of the self. Action, as the conviction of belief.

Low or lacking- The person believes efforts will not materialize desires. Invalidation of the self.

Psychological- The need to reinforce identity validity through action.

So, when we see this idea manifesting in major astrological aspect patterns in the skies for Mundane astrological interpretation, we know these issues will preoccupy the public, national and world mind.

These signs, modes and elements will once again be emphasized and triggered by the Eclipse of June 26th, 2010. This lunar eclipse marks the beginning of the major developmental crisis of activities that will require us to question deeply just what our personal and collective direction must be in the next 5 years. In “The Integrated Astrological Guide”, I emphasized the statement “action is the conviction of belief”.

This statement means that not only what we truly believe we act on, but that what activities and action we see in our lives is the effect of those beliefs held, whether it “appears” we had any direct link to that activity or not. Uranus entered Aries on May 27th 2010. A friend of mine learned one day later that her niece had been killed in an auto accident less than 24 hours later. The young woman had an exact square between Pluto in Scorpio at 25 and Saturn in Aquarius 25, the accident occurred precisely when the planet ruling Uranus’ entry into Aries, Mars, opposed the Saturn and squared the Pluto exactly.

This action was triggered completely outside of the conscious awareness of all involved until its moment of manifestation after Mars took over dispositorship of Uranus.

We will be moving in and out of a Grand Cross of Cardinal signs for the next 5 years. Cardinal requires action and motivation toward resolution, and Mars moves and initiates that action.

This discussion will be continued with the Mars/Saturn conjunction period at the end of July as the ramping up period of this motivational period that will call on many to move to action, and act on many who refuse.

Relevant Articles: Mars and The State of The Ego - The Disposition of Planets - Pluto Returns to Capricorn
Copyright © 2010 Altair Publications

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturn; Of the Earth, is Spiritual

Saturn reflects the experience of the physical world. The physical world IS the manifestation of the "All That Is" (God or whatever you wish to term it) as polarity pairs and functions as the polarization of the unbroken wholeness of "All That Is."We chose to experience that idea by being born. So although the unbroken wholeness (Neptune=spirit) is the "real" or primary reality base and physicality an illusion (Saturn=physicality)-either is real while you are in it, and valid, none-the-less.

Fear, the effect of negative ego, strangles our recognition of choice in the creation of reality (Uranus). This is why in mythology Saturn castrates (renders impotent) Uranus. This power then rises up again in reflection Venus).

By the same token physicality is real while you are in it, but an illusion none-the-less. As long as we ARE physical we ARE by definition going to experience THIS reality in polarized terms. The entire template of the Natural Zodiac is an effect of that "splaying" of mind into matter-like the refracted light of white light through a prism. This is neither "good or bad"-it is simply one of the ways (in terms of worlds) that we as co-creators along with "All That Is" creates in the exploration of itself. For this reason the negative/positive definitions will apply as long as you are physical. When you die and re-merge with the unbroken wholeness-of course they won't any longer.

Positive is simply integrative, unifying, expansive, inclusive-integral.

Negative is separative, segregative, limited, conflicted functions in parts.

Positive and Negative Energy
<-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >
In mathematics the number line represents the concept of the infinite negative numbers left of the centerline 0, and the infinite positive numbers to the right of centerline 0.  And this energy can be felt emotionally as anxiety (negative) or excitement and inspiration (positive) it is simply a matter of attitude and approach.
When applied as anxiety to any planet, or house or aspect, or aspect of life-that effect is extracted. Vice versa for positive-it is not a "deficient attitude" to cognize and apply these functions in physicality, it is an asset to recognize them while you are physical. Heaven and hell are states of being, and you can be in a positive (heaven) or negative (hell) one anywhere-anytime. It is approach that determines this. But to say one is not subject to them is to say one is not physical and did not choose to be so. Which if you are living, breathing and writing responses is not possible.

Responsibility is the ability to respond to the environment (it's reality creation). To not respond to our physical reality with the recognition that it is us, and that we have created it, is to exercise the judgment of it and need to escape it (Neptunian).To believe that the reflection of physicality is the source of reality is to deny the validity of the unbroken wholeness of "All That Is," invalidate spiritual reality, and judge IT and seek to escape THAT reality by denial of the source and is an illusion as well (Saturnine).

Saturn represents the illusion of the material world within a spiritual manifestation, and Neptune reflects the illusion of spirit within the material world. Where Saturn is found, the material world deceives, and where Neptune is found spirit is sacrificed as an illusion, unobtainable. They are both real, and both illusions. Whether you extract a positive or negative effect from either depends upon the energy they are approached with-period. It has nothing to do with duality (the illusion of unbroken wholeness manifesting as polarity pairs-another "spiritual experience") or non-duality, and has to do with the approach to either of these spiritual experiences.

Time and space are illusions (Saturn), real while you experience them, but illusions none the less. Realism and idealism are not diametrically opposed; a realistic manifestation of the ideal is the issue. By giving our power away to physicality we sacrifice a part of our spirit to the material world (Saturn), this is where we over-strategize and overindulge without regard for spirit. By giving our power away to the ideal (Neptune) we lose sight of practical requirements necessary to functioning in physical reality to manifest the "All That Is".

Both planets reflect the illusion of dis-empowerment, or empowerment, which is not the effect of either planet or world but instead the approach to either.

To be balanced in our approach and view is to be positive in and of itself.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." Albert Einstein

Relevant Articles:
Saturn Opposition Saturn--The Saturn/Neptune Paradox

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Asteroids and The Modern Astrologers

When I began studying astrology 40 years ago, I remember working very hard to learn to associate the rulers of signs (planets and luminaries)
with their proper zodiacal sign and house. This became a critical element in astrological delineation and the steps which were soon to become my sequence of delineation.
As astrology evolved over the years and computer programs became available for calculation it became easier and easier to construct the chart (which we used to do by hand without a calculator) and less time was consumed on that aspect of astrology. That aspect of astrology is very important. Today's astrologers not having to do laborious calculations depreciates the ability to absorb the chart and it's energies as we move through the various positioning of planets etc.. Even the drawing of astrological symbols and planets into the house positions adds to ones appreciation and understanding of the chart at hand.

Today, we see fractions of a seconds of shots for commercials, movie sets, and also in the time it takes to calculate the chart and find delineations, or references to what we produce or want to know.

Astrology is an art/science. Like a painter we build upon a background or base and bring forth our painting into the foreground methodically, patiently, carefully. The art aspect is in part, the actual drawing of the horoscope and its elements. When we blend the significators and aspects to form a concept of the consciousness under evaluation, the disposition of planets slowly and methodically enhances our evolving understanding of the chart at hand. When we understand the law of momentum flow of the chart in question, we can then add the asteroids we see may be significant that support the delineation to be had through proper analysis.

If we were cooking a meal and sprinkled oregano in a pan and said "this _______ will be great, because oregano is in the pan" before we even  knew what the meal was going to be or consist of, we would be seen as not only nuts, but an incompetent cook at best seriously placing the cart before the horse to put it mildly.  
But evidently astrologers who read a few books  and blogs on asteroids and astrology don't believe such things, because they think the oregano (asteroid) itself tells them what the issues are in the chart just by its position alone! Trust a 40 years of experience astrologer who has delineated thousands and thousands of charts. It can't be done. Post-dicting that something occurred because such and such an asteroid was rising or conjunct something at the time only confirms those with critical thinking or scientific minds that astrology is bunk.

"On the first day of January 1801, Giuseppe Piazzi discovered an object which he first thought was a new comet. But after its orbit was better determined it was clear that it was not a comet but more like a small planet. Piazzi named it Ceres, after the Sicilian goddess of grain. Three other small bodies were discovered in the next few years (Pallas, Vesta, and Juno). By the end of the 19th century there were several hundred.

Several hundred thousand asteroids have been discovered and given provisional designations so far. Thousands more are discovered each year. There are undoubtedly hundreds of thousands more that are too small to be seen from the Earth. There are 26 known asteroids larger than 200 km in diameter. Our census of the largest ones is now fairly complete: we probably know 99% of the asteroids larger than 100 km in diameter. Of those in the 10 to 100 km range we have cataloged about half. But we know very few of the smaller ones; there are probably considerably more than a million asteroids in the 1 km range.
The total mass of all the asteroids is less than that of the Moon. "
Modern astrology, although reformatted with modern psychological principles, is basically a refined reproduction of ancient astrological practice developed over 7000 years of observation and application. There is nothing and no reformatting of serious sequential astrological delineation procedure that will ever be replaced with a concocted "archetype" of a small and insignificant piece of oregano disguised as an experienced chef's meal really only meant to add spice, nuance, and hints of flavor to a main course properly prepared.

Copyright © 2010 Altair Publications

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Uranus Enters Aries

Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, the great awakener (Buddha and Christ consciousness). Eons ago Uranus was brushed by the dark body Nemesis, counterpart of our Sun and was tipped on its axis. This event reflected the aspect of self-consciousness that was sacrificed to the unconscious as an effect of focus (Saturn) and hence the direct line to the creator was severed, as one pole of this planet faces toward the sun and one away.

The symbol of Uranus is the circle of consciousness submerged under the cross of matter and so reflects unconscious forgotten knowledge and its awakening through creative interaction (Leo is the Polarity of Aquarius and is ruled by the Sun). Discovery that leads to heaven. The recognition of choice in the creation of reality. The falling asleep of the higher self. Rebellion against materiality (next orbit out from Saturn). This is why in mythology Saturn castrates (renders impotent) Uranus. This power then rises up again in reflection (Venus), the mirror of mind in matter.

As we see with the end of Uranus’ transit through Pisces (29 degrees), and urgent wake-up call is being created by oil spills, Orca killing trainers, the seas being polluted, overfished, and currents being altered by climate change and the inundation of CO2. These negative effects are our signal that the last 28 degrees have remained unconscious and not brought to light. Saturn opposing Uranus renders it impotent because the collective consciousness sleeps.

The concepts of birth and beginning are always associated with both the first house (the east point) and the sign Aries. Aries represents the birth of the identity, ego, self and singularity of definition. The symbol is reflective of the Ram's horns, a seed springing up from the ground, a power scepter and the incarnation of any idea; the thrust of a geyser. The beginning. It is the masculine component of identity definition. It articulates the beliefs that define the artificial personality construct self presentation and approach. The concerns are for self insertion, not reception (Mars).

The positive aspects of Uranus in Aries are pioneering events, research, effort, action and the application of the one to serve the whole.

The negative will be terror, war, identity confusion which leads to catastrophe, and lone wolves who undermine the efforts of the many.

Because Jupiter conjoins it shortly after its entrance, revelation will come with regard to our place in the universe, and Genetic discoveries that demand re-evaluation of our beliefs regarding our origin.

Because Uranus squares Pluto during it, there may indeed be major destruction and/or drastic change in consciousness as well as world direction.

Awakening unconscious knowledge leads to the merging and blending with the other dimensional or spiritual awareness at Neptune. Let us have the foresight to wake up before we reach the 29th degree.

About Me: As a student of astrology for 37 years and a counseling astrologer for 30, Edmond Wollmann holds a professional certification in astrology and a double degree in psychology/studio art from San Diego State University. His self-empowering psychological and metaphysical approach to the application of astrology is inclusive and unique.

Copyright © 2010 Altair Publications ALL RIGHTS RESERVED--SAN 299-5603

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Edmond Wollmann Lux et Veritas

Well, here we are in May of 2010. I have been on the Internet since 1994 with a continued presence. Time to bring quite a bit of work into phase 2.
The New Astrology © 2010 5th edition Altair Publications SAN 299-5603
Edmond H. Wollmann
Original draft: March 87
2nd edition October 94
3rd edition May 97
4th edition September 2002

When I began studying astrology in 1971 I was skeptical and going to disprove it. However, any honest person who attempts this must become aware of the corroboration between astrological symbolism and the knowledge of self. Hence, the more I studied, the more mechanistically obvious it became that there was something there. Of course some of this acknowledgement was my own knowledge of self.
The "what" that allows astrology to work of course is the argument for invalidity of cynical minds with no experience of operational obviousness that astrology reveals when practiced properly. This "what" is still in the realm of the immeasurable (empirically). But there are many practices--even in academia--that are known to work and be valid, that no objective measurement can determine the "how" of.

As I learned astrology and psychology, I could see that my life often unfolded with reason that I could not foresee, and that apparently unconnected events and issues, were indeed connected. I began to feel that perhaps there were some serious reasons behind existence that could be readily observable. There must be a reason, I believed, for my own and others life experiences and needs being so different. However, this perspective raised more questions than it answered. If I had certain needs or characteristics as indicated by the horoscope, was I fated to experience only these? How do I change it? What is the source of the "cause" of the horoscope? Where is the equalizer that balances the experiential fact that some individuals never even hear about a religion let alone have this one life to "redeem" themselves (guilt control and manipulation through emotive appeals). Why does one chart have numerous "negative" aspects and another numerous "positive"? ...Or both? The chart exists AT birth, implying something "brought in."

Learning about reincarnation satisfied many of these questions. The differing experiences were due to actions I had taken in previous lives--that it was "really" one continuous flow, broken only by death and rebirth, not unlike sleep and wake cycles during life between days. What about the fact that time is essentially an experiential construct and not "real"? Actually these "lives" are all at once!

When I began counseling in 1979 I found that most people’s needs and conflicts about self worth and status (or what have you), were tied strongly to the relationship with the parents and early environment. I correlated this with psychological need and developmental theories; much of it presented and pioneered by Noel Tyl in "The Principles and Practice of Astrology" a 12 volume set. With this recognition in mind I began counseling with the idea of assisting individuals in the recognition of this fact and how they brought these beliefs forward into adult conscious commandment. That, self worth, for example, is determined by the level (or lack of it) experienced as a perceived condition in the early environment, and taught by the parents and societal expectations. These beliefs are then carried forward, often in an unconscious state, and externalized in interaction with the environment.

By the early 1980s I studied with great interest the channeling of "Seth" by Jane Roberts. Especially the volume entitled "The Nature of Personal Reality", The Edgar Cayce material (A.R.E.), the approach of the Rosicrucians, and Bashar (Darryl Anka), and the association, Kevin Ryerson (McPherson and John) on reality creation. Now there was a new concern. If we create our own reality 100%, then why was the parental structure so influential in determining a person's reality experience? Why, or how, did we create the horoscope that we currently have? Where does the interaction of nurture and nature begin and end?
It is really not that hard to piece together. The horoscope reflects the belief momentum (past and present lives combined) and the resultant effects of such momentum, because the universe is simply idea and concept manifestation. The illusion is in the perception that there are beginnings and endings of realities: Not unlike one day appearing to be gone when we wake up the next. The parental interaction is the catalyst that is unconsciously absorbed (and created BEFORE birth by birth time choice and parental choice) to manifest the best representation of the belief structure of the identity involved and the experiences chosen as themes to be explored in this life. The horoscope exists BEFORE parental interaction and must therefore be a template vibrational version of the momentum of belief already chosen to act as a springboard of experiential developmental unfoldment.

The constellations and planets do not impel, compel, influence, energize or in any other way determine the identity of the individual. They reflect the signature of the persona: One version of "All That Is" or God, looking at itself in another way. It is all one thing manifesting in all the ways it can--of which--we are those ways. The horoscope is the reflection of the momentum of the idea that you are at any given moment. It is a tool to recognize (rethink or to comprehend with the conscious mind) the idea you are and its momentum or probable outcome as an effect of that definition.

Tools of psychology, astrology or other awareness enhancers allow us the opportunity to own the reality and redefine it with preference through this knowledge of self.
Artisans do not "believe" or "disbelieve" in tools. They use and apply the tool for the job at hand, and their concern is for effect and improvement in the quality of life. Therefore the "proof" is in the improvements--not the tools. An astrologer can only serve as an artisan with a tool of self awareness.
Self awareness is the only agent of change for a probable "fate" in the mirror of mind, matter.