Thursday, May 20, 2010

Uranus Enters Aries

Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, the great awakener (Buddha and Christ consciousness). Eons ago Uranus was brushed by the dark body Nemesis, counterpart of our Sun and was tipped on its axis. This event reflected the aspect of self-consciousness that was sacrificed to the unconscious as an effect of focus (Saturn) and hence the direct line to the creator was severed, as one pole of this planet faces toward the sun and one away.

The symbol of Uranus is the circle of consciousness submerged under the cross of matter and so reflects unconscious forgotten knowledge and its awakening through creative interaction (Leo is the Polarity of Aquarius and is ruled by the Sun). Discovery that leads to heaven. The recognition of choice in the creation of reality. The falling asleep of the higher self. Rebellion against materiality (next orbit out from Saturn). This is why in mythology Saturn castrates (renders impotent) Uranus. This power then rises up again in reflection (Venus), the mirror of mind in matter.

As we see with the end of Uranus’ transit through Pisces (29 degrees), and urgent wake-up call is being created by oil spills, Orca killing trainers, the seas being polluted, overfished, and currents being altered by climate change and the inundation of CO2. These negative effects are our signal that the last 28 degrees have remained unconscious and not brought to light. Saturn opposing Uranus renders it impotent because the collective consciousness sleeps.

The concepts of birth and beginning are always associated with both the first house (the east point) and the sign Aries. Aries represents the birth of the identity, ego, self and singularity of definition. The symbol is reflective of the Ram's horns, a seed springing up from the ground, a power scepter and the incarnation of any idea; the thrust of a geyser. The beginning. It is the masculine component of identity definition. It articulates the beliefs that define the artificial personality construct self presentation and approach. The concerns are for self insertion, not reception (Mars).

The positive aspects of Uranus in Aries are pioneering events, research, effort, action and the application of the one to serve the whole.

The negative will be terror, war, identity confusion which leads to catastrophe, and lone wolves who undermine the efforts of the many.

Because Jupiter conjoins it shortly after its entrance, revelation will come with regard to our place in the universe, and Genetic discoveries that demand re-evaluation of our beliefs regarding our origin.

Because Uranus squares Pluto during it, there may indeed be major destruction and/or drastic change in consciousness as well as world direction.

Awakening unconscious knowledge leads to the merging and blending with the other dimensional or spiritual awareness at Neptune. Let us have the foresight to wake up before we reach the 29th degree.

About Me: As a student of astrology for 37 years and a counseling astrologer for 30, Edmond Wollmann holds a professional certification in astrology and a double degree in psychology/studio art from San Diego State University. His self-empowering psychological and metaphysical approach to the application of astrology is inclusive and unique.

Copyright © 2010 Altair Publications ALL RIGHTS RESERVED--SAN 299-5603

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Edmond Wollmann Lux et Veritas

Well, here we are in May of 2010. I have been on the Internet since 1994 with a continued presence. Time to bring quite a bit of work into phase 2.
The New Astrology © 2010 5th edition Altair Publications SAN 299-5603
Edmond H. Wollmann
Original draft: March 87
2nd edition October 94
3rd edition May 97
4th edition September 2002

When I began studying astrology in 1971 I was skeptical and going to disprove it. However, any honest person who attempts this must become aware of the corroboration between astrological symbolism and the knowledge of self. Hence, the more I studied, the more mechanistically obvious it became that there was something there. Of course some of this acknowledgement was my own knowledge of self.
The "what" that allows astrology to work of course is the argument for invalidity of cynical minds with no experience of operational obviousness that astrology reveals when practiced properly. This "what" is still in the realm of the immeasurable (empirically). But there are many practices--even in academia--that are known to work and be valid, that no objective measurement can determine the "how" of.

As I learned astrology and psychology, I could see that my life often unfolded with reason that I could not foresee, and that apparently unconnected events and issues, were indeed connected. I began to feel that perhaps there were some serious reasons behind existence that could be readily observable. There must be a reason, I believed, for my own and others life experiences and needs being so different. However, this perspective raised more questions than it answered. If I had certain needs or characteristics as indicated by the horoscope, was I fated to experience only these? How do I change it? What is the source of the "cause" of the horoscope? Where is the equalizer that balances the experiential fact that some individuals never even hear about a religion let alone have this one life to "redeem" themselves (guilt control and manipulation through emotive appeals). Why does one chart have numerous "negative" aspects and another numerous "positive"? ...Or both? The chart exists AT birth, implying something "brought in."

Learning about reincarnation satisfied many of these questions. The differing experiences were due to actions I had taken in previous lives--that it was "really" one continuous flow, broken only by death and rebirth, not unlike sleep and wake cycles during life between days. What about the fact that time is essentially an experiential construct and not "real"? Actually these "lives" are all at once!

When I began counseling in 1979 I found that most people’s needs and conflicts about self worth and status (or what have you), were tied strongly to the relationship with the parents and early environment. I correlated this with psychological need and developmental theories; much of it presented and pioneered by Noel Tyl in "The Principles and Practice of Astrology" a 12 volume set. With this recognition in mind I began counseling with the idea of assisting individuals in the recognition of this fact and how they brought these beliefs forward into adult conscious commandment. That, self worth, for example, is determined by the level (or lack of it) experienced as a perceived condition in the early environment, and taught by the parents and societal expectations. These beliefs are then carried forward, often in an unconscious state, and externalized in interaction with the environment.

By the early 1980s I studied with great interest the channeling of "Seth" by Jane Roberts. Especially the volume entitled "The Nature of Personal Reality", The Edgar Cayce material (A.R.E.), the approach of the Rosicrucians, and Bashar (Darryl Anka), and the association, Kevin Ryerson (McPherson and John) on reality creation. Now there was a new concern. If we create our own reality 100%, then why was the parental structure so influential in determining a person's reality experience? Why, or how, did we create the horoscope that we currently have? Where does the interaction of nurture and nature begin and end?
It is really not that hard to piece together. The horoscope reflects the belief momentum (past and present lives combined) and the resultant effects of such momentum, because the universe is simply idea and concept manifestation. The illusion is in the perception that there are beginnings and endings of realities: Not unlike one day appearing to be gone when we wake up the next. The parental interaction is the catalyst that is unconsciously absorbed (and created BEFORE birth by birth time choice and parental choice) to manifest the best representation of the belief structure of the identity involved and the experiences chosen as themes to be explored in this life. The horoscope exists BEFORE parental interaction and must therefore be a template vibrational version of the momentum of belief already chosen to act as a springboard of experiential developmental unfoldment.

The constellations and planets do not impel, compel, influence, energize or in any other way determine the identity of the individual. They reflect the signature of the persona: One version of "All That Is" or God, looking at itself in another way. It is all one thing manifesting in all the ways it can--of which--we are those ways. The horoscope is the reflection of the momentum of the idea that you are at any given moment. It is a tool to recognize (rethink or to comprehend with the conscious mind) the idea you are and its momentum or probable outcome as an effect of that definition.

Tools of psychology, astrology or other awareness enhancers allow us the opportunity to own the reality and redefine it with preference through this knowledge of self.
Artisans do not "believe" or "disbelieve" in tools. They use and apply the tool for the job at hand, and their concern is for effect and improvement in the quality of life. Therefore the "proof" is in the improvements--not the tools. An astrologer can only serve as an artisan with a tool of self awareness.
Self awareness is the only agent of change for a probable "fate" in the mirror of mind, matter.