Monday, May 16, 2011

Free Will is All There is

I believe we have free will on all levels, the levels we are not aware of (unconscious psychic material) is what we use to create the time we are born to have the chart that allows us to unfold our reality as the path we chose to be through planetary development, so although not conscious of all of the beliefs that create the reality we experience, we never the less create it on some level. You cannot experience therefore, a reality that is not a part of you on some level. By looking at our experiences this way--instead of them being thrust upon us from the external (Saturn) we are able to own them, and in owning our experiences we are thus more likely to attempt to extract something that serves our further growth and empowerment in positive ways--that aids us in the path we chose to be-- rather than powerless blaming on externals that decreases self-efficacy and increases concepts of victimization. We need always to look within and without with a discerning eye. Because our own definitions and bias may be as responsible for our misery, perceived threats and conundrum as the apparently external reality we chose to play out our consciousness within. This has nothing to do with the fact that externals may indeed exist, but has more to do with resolutions to whatever the dilemma of the moment may require to be resolved.

Facebook; Monday, ‎May ‎09, ‎2011, ‏‎4:53:29 PM


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Edmond H.Wollmann, Copyright © 2011 Altair Publications. All rights reserved.