Jupiter rules all things expansive, positive, largess. Saturn rules all things negative, restricted, controlled, and focused.
Oppositions reflect different ends of a spectrum in conflict, awareness, polarized. When a sign is splayed into its component parts it appears as two distinct ideas each demanding attention. In the psyche of an individual these polarities, or signs, become an issue that needs to be re-integrated as one concept, as one idea. The archetype requires resolution in the Mode in which it manifests.
Jupiter and Saturn in opposition (180 degrees of separation) reflect the concepts outlined above (Expansion and Contraction, or broad view and narrow view) in awareness conflict and tension requiring some sort of resolution. Obstacles stand in the way of expansion and ease. There is a conflict between beliefs in worth, and beliefs in fear, between optimism and pessimism. This is what will be felt if this resolution is not developed in the identity in question. In Mundane matters, this opposition is the “Full Moon” so to speak of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction which occurred in 2000 in Taurus (money and material). There are 3 manifestations typically of most major aspect developments; this current opposition is listed below:
P1 (H) Asp P2 (H) EXL Type Date Time Zone Age Pos1 Pos2
Jup (1) Opp Sat (7) (X) Tr-Tr May 23 2010 01:36:26 am EDT -0.218 27°Pi52' D 27°Vi52' R
Jup (1) Opp Sat (7) (X) Tr-Tr Aug 16 2010 04:44:43 pm EDT 0.016 02°Ar26' R 02°Li26' D
Jup (1) Opp Sat (7) (X) Tr-Tr Mar 28 2011 05:54:53 pm EDT 0.629 14°Ar21' D 14°Li21' R
Now, because the conjunction of 2000 was in square to Uranus in Aquarius, I predicted that there would be social and economic de-structurizing world-wide. As we have seen, when the first Saturn Uranus oppositions came into force and Pluto entered Capricorn (business and monetary strategy) the destruction began in earnest and real estate bubbles collapsed the economy, which has de-structurized societal networks. Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn also heralded the beginning effects of global ecological destruction as well. Insecurity is an effect of Jupiter/Saturn oppositions, and hence many have had difficulty believing in their own prosperity during the last 3 years, and the ecological destruction has added to the deficit of reinforcement or Jupiterian expanse.
On August 16th the second of 3 oppositions between these two giants occurs, and this particular opposition is the closest to the Cardinal T-Square we are going to get indicating the potential to be the most conflictive in the manner outlined above. There is no “Cardinal Cross” that modern astrologers have touted, only when faster planets move into the T-square which then triggers primarily the T-square. This particular opposition will see the greatest tension with Pluto, and therefore the greatest potential of destruction in both ecologic and economic terms. In the personal chart, much depends on how evolved the identity is with these archetypes in their own consciousness as to what sorts of ease or difficulty is experienced—along with the aspects in the natal which reinforce or deny its power.
If you have planets at 28 Mutable to 5 Cardinal this opposition will trigger them. Remember that Saturn is the “cure” for excessive Jupiter, and Jupiter the cure for excessive Saturnian fear and restriction. This aspect is asking you to MOVE out of your rut and into new and more energized action that finds a midpoint of reasonable use of resources. It is only because of extravagance or waste that difficulty with this aspect will illuminate. If you are conscious of “waste not want not” and are a person (or society) that does not need too much to be better in any way, (I.e., thought, action, money, food etc.) and are secure with sufficient, then you have little to fear from this aspect.
Related Articles: Jupiter/Saturn and Y2K, Pyramids, DNA, and The Elements, Pluto Returns to Capricorn, Edmond Wollmann's World Projections, What is better, Positive or Negative energy?
Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.
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