Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Coming Collective Identity Crisis: Action as the Conviction of Belief and the Cardinal Points.

We are entering an extremely active period astrologically. In 2007 I was able to deduce that we would be entering into severe economic and ecological challenges because of the entrance of the planet (I still consider it a planet for astrological reasons) Pluto into the Cardinal sign of Capricorn, which is reflective of all forms of administration of pragmatic issues, business and government activity, and actual physical meteorological and geological activities.

In general in personal astrology:

The Cardinal signs and angular houses represent the aspects and beliefs about the individual's identity/status issues how one defines the self. Motivation, action, and initiative signify the emphasis in these quadruplicities and houses.

In Aries-the motivation is to become (Fire).

In Cancer-the motivation is to nurture (Water).

In Libra-the motivation is to relate (Air).

In Capricorn-the motivation is to administer the self in physicality (Earth).

These are the primary functions of identity experiencing itself in materiality. All other descriptions arise from these basic functions. When we do Elemental/Modal counts in astrological configurations by assigning points to the planets or points holding this mode we find;

Excess count- Ego focus. An exaggerated emphasis on leadership to defend against the fear of identity invalidity. Motivation, activity and action are employed to resolve developmental issues.

When they are Balanced- Belief conviction. Application of the self. Action, as the conviction of belief.

Low or lacking- The person believes efforts will not materialize desires. Invalidation of the self.

Psychological- The need to reinforce identity validity through action.

So, when we see this idea manifesting in major astrological aspect patterns in the skies for Mundane astrological interpretation, we know these issues will preoccupy the public, national and world mind.

These signs, modes and elements will once again be emphasized and triggered by the Eclipse of June 26th, 2010. This lunar eclipse marks the beginning of the major developmental crisis of activities that will require us to question deeply just what our personal and collective direction must be in the next 5 years. In “The Integrated Astrological Guide”, I emphasized the statement “action is the conviction of belief”.

This statement means that not only what we truly believe we act on, but that what activities and action we see in our lives is the effect of those beliefs held, whether it “appears” we had any direct link to that activity or not. Uranus entered Aries on May 27th 2010. A friend of mine learned one day later that her niece had been killed in an auto accident less than 24 hours later. The young woman had an exact square between Pluto in Scorpio at 25 and Saturn in Aquarius 25, the accident occurred precisely when the planet ruling Uranus’ entry into Aries, Mars, opposed the Saturn and squared the Pluto exactly.

This action was triggered completely outside of the conscious awareness of all involved until its moment of manifestation after Mars took over dispositorship of Uranus.

We will be moving in and out of a Grand Cross of Cardinal signs for the next 5 years. Cardinal requires action and motivation toward resolution, and Mars moves and initiates that action.

This discussion will be continued with the Mars/Saturn conjunction period at the end of July as the ramping up period of this motivational period that will call on many to move to action, and act on many who refuse.

Relevant Articles: Mars and The State of The Ego - The Disposition of Planets - Pluto Returns to Capricorn
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